Author : fatimah hasmiah

Author : fatimah hasmiah


Author : fatimah hasmiah

Kebakaran di Cibinong, 3 Orang Sekeluarga Tewas

Bogor - Kebakaran dahsyat terjadi di Jl Raya Mayor Oking 121, Cibinong, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Kebakaran ini menyebabkan 3 orang yang merupakan satu keluarga tewas.

Lokasi kebakaran ini berupa bengkel motor. Hingga pukul 08.20 WIB, Jumat (13/11/2009) proses evakuasi terhadap korban tewas tengah dilakukan setelah api berhasil dipadamkan.

Menurut saksi mata, Agus Sairi, kebakaran terjadi pukul 06.00 WIB. "Saat itu kondisi sepi, tiba-tiba ada api besar," ujarnya di TKP.

TKP terletak di pinggir jalan raya. Ratusan orang menyaksikan insiden tersebut sehingga lalu lintas menjadi tersendat. Api berhasil dipadamkan setelah 5 armada pemadam (damkar) diterjunkan ke lokasi.

Korban tewas adalah Hendra (37), istrinya yang berusia 34 tahun dan Nelly (3). Bangunan bengkel dua lantai milik mereka hangus luluh lantak. Sedangkan toko obat China "Banpung" yang bersebelahan dengan bengkel, selamat dari kobaran api.

Kapolsek Cibinong AKP Ramses Sianipar menyatakan, penyebab kebakaran diduga karena hubungan arus pendek.

Satu jenazah saat ini telah berhasil dibawa keluar dari rumah yang hangus dan dimasukkan ke ambulans. Proses evakuasi cukup sulit karena bangunan rumah dikhawatirkan roboh.
Author : fatimah hasmiah

Tunkasina and
The Origins of Fear & Evil

A long time ago, when everything was new, all children played without fear.
To some of his children Tunkasina (Grandfather) had given strong eyes, and they liked the heat of the day. For these children Tunkasina put a big light in the sky, and they ran free over the prairie.
Other children had weaker eyes. They liked to play in the leaves and in the grasses under the trees. For these children Tunkasina put a little light in the sky, and it came out, when these children woke at the end of the day.
Everyone was satisfied. Day followed night, and night came after the day. No one had to worry. Tunkasina was happy, and he always came to visit.
His work was good.
But, then, something terrible happened.
One night the little light did not show up ! ! ! ! !
Deep darkness was everywhere. The night-children went outside, but right away they were lost. They ran back and forth, and their crying woke up the whole camp. Fathers could not find their sons, and mothers could not find their daughters.
Fear shook everyone. They had never felt this way before, and they didn't know what to do. Fear was like a damp fog creeping over everyone. It chilled the bones of the worn, old men. It confused the senses of the trusted, wise men.
Everyone kept turning around and looking over his shoulder. There was great danger.
Tunkasina heard the cries of his children and the running footsteps of the parents. He also felt the danger that was threatening his children.
He rushed down from his place to see what had happened.
He looked and looked -- and THERE IT WAS ! ! ! ! The sky was empty......There was no little light in the sky.
And he began searching for her. He looked and looked.....And then he found her.
She was sleeping with another man. She had been unfaithful to him, and she had neglected his children. When he found her it was terrible. He dragged her from the bed and tore her over rocks. He beat her and pounded her. He shook her and slapped her. He punished her and he shamed her.
Then he threw her away ! ! ! ! !
That was a long time ago.
Look at her now.
You can see that she is wandering here and there in the night. And she still has the marks and the bruises on her.
She will never be the same again.
She is shamed. When she gets close to the big light, watch her. She will hide her face. And, when she is far from the big light, she will look out again.
Maybe someday Tunkasina will take her back again.
This is how Fear -- Evil -- came to the children that Tunkasina always wanted to be happy.


Author : fatimah hasmiah

Bad Culture In Indonesia

Corruption has happened for many years and today it becomes a bad culture in Indonesia for three reasons.
Most adult Indonesian or foreigners have known and admitted that corruptions happen in many places. The daily newspapers, news programs on TV and radio have reported corruptions are done everywhere, almost in all departments or public services of this country. Corruptions happen in health, education departments and banks. When we manage to get some documents in public service offices, we usually need much money to pay. Manipulations happen everywhere.

The actions to eliminate corruption are weak. The ever stronger culture seems not to come to an end when the responsible institutions who have to reinforce the justice today commit corruption. This is the worst. Corruptions happen in police department, courts where judges, public prosecutors, lawyers make deals to do corruption. All of us also heard in the end of 2004, Probosutejo reported that he had bribed the Supreme Court, or called Mahkamah Agung which becomes the highest level where the justice can be obtained. Perhaps you have to try to come to the local courts and see what happen there. You will see practices of bribery and other kinds of corruption. Therefore, we can say that corruptions becomes our culture. Do you like it?

The citizens have no goodwill to fight against the corruption. They create the situations in which people have opportunities to do corruptions. The citizens like to break the rules because they are not disciplined. For example, in the street when they drive a car or ride motorcycle, they do not have the driving license or necessary documents. Then, they are caught by the local policemen. To avoid more difficulties, they like to bribe the officer. The officer let them go then. In other words, the citizens and officers are the same, doing corruption together. If only the people were critical, disciplined, and obey the rules, and willing to report any wrong behaviors, this country will not be number one corrupting country in the world.

Conclusion Based on the reasons, we can conclude that corruption is becoming a bad culture in Indonesia if it is not ended soon by all of us. It seems that there must be more severe penalty for the Corruptors. Do we still care about the future of this country?


Author : fatimah hasmiah

Maulana Malik Ibrahim, or Abraham Al-Makdum estimated Samarkandy born in Samarkand, Central Asia, in the early half of the 14th century. Babad Tanah Jawi Asmarakandi call Meinsma version, follow the spoken tongue of the As-Java Samarkandy, turned into Asmarakandi.
Maulana Malik Ibrahim is also sometimes referred to as Sheikh Maghrebi. Some people even call it Grandpa's pillow.
He was related to Maulana Ishak, renowned scholars Pasai Ocean, as well as the father of Sunan Giri (Raden Paku). Abraham and Isaac is the son of a Persian scholar named Maulana Jumadil Kubro, who settled in Samarkand. Maulana Jumadil Kubro believed to be descendants of the 10th of Syayidina Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

Maulana Malik Ibrahim had settled in Campa, now Cambodia, for thirteen years since 1379. He even married the daughter of the king, who gave him two sons. They are Raden Rahmat (known as the Sunan Ampel) and Sayid Ali Morteza aka Raden Santri. Feeling pretty preaching mission in the country, the year 1392 AD Maulana Malik Ibrahim immigrated to the island of Java left the family.

Some versions state that some people coming along. An area that was first headed Sembalo the village, the area is still in the Majapahit empire. Sembalo village now, is a regional district Learn Manyar, 9 miles north of the town of Gresik.

The first activity is done when it is dealing with how to open a stall. Shop providing basic needs at low cost. Also specifically Malik Ibrahim also volunteered to treat people for free. As a physician, reportedly, he had been invited to treat the king's wife who came from the Campa. Empress likely still relatives of his wife.

Grandfather Pillow also teach new ways of farming. He embraced the community under-caste in the Hindu aside. So Perfected first mission, which is looking for a place in the hearts of people around who was going through severe economic crisis and civil war. Done build and arrange lodging place of religious learning in Learn, the year 1419 AD Maulana Malik Ibrahim died. His tomb is in the village now Gapura, Gresik, East Java.


Author : fatimah hasmiah


One day a clown was visiting the zoo and attempted to earn some money by making a street performance. He acted and mimed perfectly some animal acts. As soon as he started to drive a crowd, a zoo keeper grabbed him and dragged him into his office. The zoo keeper explained to the clown that the zoo’s most popular gorilla had died suddenly and the keeper was fear that attendance at the zoo would fall off. So he offered the clown a job to dress up as the gorilla until the zoo could get another one. The clown accepted this great opportunity.
So the next morning the clown put on the gorilla suit and entered the cage before the crowd came. He felt that it was a great job. He could sleep all he wanted, played and made fun of people and he drove bigger crowds than he ever did as a clown. He pretended the gorilla successfully.
However, eventually the crowds were tired of him for just swinging on tires. He began to notice that the people were paying more attention to the lion in the next cage. Not wanting to lose the attention of his audience, he decided to make a spectacular performance. He climbed to the top of his cage, crawled across a partition, and dangled from the top to the lion’s cage. Of course, this made the lion furious, but the crowd people loved it.
At the end of the day the zoo keeper came and gave him a raise for being such a good attraction. Well, this went on for some time, he kept taunting the lion, the audience crowd grew a larger, and his salary kept going up. Then one terrible day happened. When he was dangling over the furious lion, he slipped and fell into the lion cage. The clown was really in big terrible situation. He was terrified.
Sooner the lion gathered itself and prepared to pounce. The clown was so scared. He could do nothing and he began to run round and round the cage with the lion close and closer behind. Finally, the lion could catch him. The clown started screaming and yelling, “Help me, help me!”, but the lion was quick and pounces. The clown soon found himself flat on his back looking up at the angry lion and suddenly he heard a voice from the lion’s mouth;”Shut up you idiot! Do you want to get us both fired?”.